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Big News for Ohio!

Intel Corp to Build Ohio MegaFab

You may have heard- Intel (NASDAQ:INTC) is building a plant in New Albany: The Ohio MegaFab. When they say this is big, that's no joke.  

Quick facts:

  • It will be the largest semiconductor factory in the world.
  • The site will occupy almost 1,000 acres (926 to be exact)
  • Initial plans are for 2 fabrication facilities
  • The factory will employ 3,000 direct Intel employees earning an average of $135k
  • There will be about 7,000 construction jobs
  • The first chips are expected to be produced in 2025
  • Total investment by Intel is $20 Billion
  • Construction will begin this year (2022)
  • Potential to expand up to 8 fab facilities and 2,000 acres.
Also: "tens of thousands of additional indirect and support jobs including contracted positions, electricians, engineers, and jobs in restaurants, healthcare, housing, entertainment and more," according to a press release.

This is the closest thing to a gold rush this country has seen in a while.  What opportunities speak to you?

"Most people miss Opportunity because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." -Thomas A. Edison

“Decide what you want, and then act as if it were impossible to fail.” -Brian Tracy


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