How Long Has It Been?! Let's find out!
Sometimes we'd like to know how long it's been since a system was booted, or even installed.
Here are a few quick & (not-so?) dirty ways to find out.
System Boot Time (or Uptime)
Recent versions of Windows display the uptime in the Task Manager on the Performance tab:
You can also obtain the boot time from a command prompt.
For the systeminfo commands, you can shorten the phrase in quotes, but it is case sensitive. Entering find "Date" and find "Time" will get you what you want.
systeminfo | find "System Boot Time"
net statistics workstation [or server]
System Install Date
From a command prompt:
systeminfo |find "Original Install Date"
([WMI]'').ConvertToDateTime((Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem).InstallDate)
Check back last Thursday for more exciting time-based posts!
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