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Showing posts from July, 2020

Find Windows Uptime & Install Date

How Long Has It Been?! Let's find out! Sometimes we'd like to know how long it's been since a system was booted, or even installed. Here are a few quick & (not-so?) dirty ways to find out. System Boot Time (or Uptime) Recent versions of Windows display the uptime in the Task Manager on the Performance tab: You can also obtain the boot time from a command prompt.   For the systeminfo commands, you can shorten the phrase in quotes, but it is case sensitive .  Entering find "Date" and find "Time" will get you what you want. systeminfo | find "System Boot Time" or net statistics workstation  [or server] System Install Date From a command prompt: systeminfo |find "Original Install Date" From PowerShell: ([WMI]'').ConvertToDateTime((Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem).InstallDate) Check back last Thursday for more exciting time-based posts!